What is the Workshop About? The purpose of this workshop is to equip the attendees with the basic knowledge of how SMEs work, and of what are important issues to consider in their management. In Qatar there is great scope for enhancement of these enterprises. There are not formal requirements. Employers who create a company... Learn More
TypeOnsite Course
PriceQR 250
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What is the Course About? The purpose of this course is to equip teachers and other caretakers with the necessary insights and knowledge to better understand the strong bond that underpin attachment in early years, not only from an emotional but also from a psychological perspective. It covers the theory of attachment and also looks... Learn More
TypeOnsite Course
PriceQR 1300
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What is the Course About? The purpose of this course is to equip assistant teachers and other learner assistants with the necessary insights and knowledge to better understand the theory of what underpins early years education, so as to be able to assist teachers properly. There are not formal entry requirements , although the course... Learn More
TypeOnsite Course
PriceQR 1170
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What is the Course About? The purpose of this course is to develop and empower teachers into being proactive, independent facilitators of teaching. What is required in the modern classroom is greater interactivity, building confident learners, learners who are prepared to challenge the status quo, and teachers who can improve learners’ critical thinking skills. This... Learn More
TypeOnsite Course
PlaceDoha + Zoom
PriceQR 25000
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NCFE CACHE Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Children and Young People’s Services The NCFE CACHE Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services is perfect for those requiring a leadership or management qualification within any setting for children or young people. The Advanced Practice pathway is... Learn More
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