Course Objectives This course presents a number of strategies that teachers can use during their course of instruction to enhance students reading and writing skills. The ultimate goal behind this workshop is to encourage and empower students to read and write independently. Course Outlines o What is reading? o What does... Learn More
TypeOnsite Course
PriceQR 250
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COURSE DESCRIPTION This course serves the goal of equal learning opportunities by assisting instructors in getting to know the various difficulties that students face or fall into. Consequently, amendments can be done to help students with learning difficulties overcome their disabilities. WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Instructors of all subjects and all levels. GENERAL COURSE OUTCOMES: Be... Learn More
TypeOnsite Course
PriceQR 390
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INTRODUCTION Today students all around the globe are deprived of chances to excel in writing because of the various temptations offered by technology and many others. Students seem to freeze when given a writing task. Nonnative students face double challenges when it comes to writing. Their language barrier and their poor reading habits cause them... Learn More
TypeOnsite Course
PriceQR 390
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Course Introduction Planning is essential for effective lesson plans. Comprehensive lesson plans are those that include all the stages and elements of a lesson plan and those that can secure the grasping of objectives by students. This course will assist teachers in preparing detailed lesson plans that will eventually result in the betterment of class... Learn More
TypeOnsite Course
PriceQR 350
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INTRODUCTION: Because it has been proved that working in groups is a more effective means than that of learning individually, cooperative learning became a need in any educational process. Cooperative learning which is also referred to as group learning does not only facilitate learning and makes it more enjoyable, but also impacts many aspects of... Learn More
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