Electronic Screen Syndrome is a relatively new disorder, thus its definitions and symptoms are still worked out. The symptoms might mimic any other neurological disorder, but the differential characteristic of ESS is that the symptoms are gone as soon as disruptive screen influence is removed. The syndrome designates an overstimulation of the kid’s nervous system caused by excessive screen time that influences behavior, mood, and focus. This goes not only for teenagers obsessed with digital devices, but even for toddlers.
According to researchers of Iowa University, 90% of children master the tablet by the age of two, while kids aged between two and six have 2-4 hours of screen time each day. The devices tend to intrude on children’s visual and mental space, sometimes causing addiction. Basically, electronic screens tend to overstimulate a human’s brain which results in dysregulation and disorganization of different biological symptoms. In course of time, overstimulation of the nervous system causes dysregulation (kidslox.com).
The purpose of this course is to equip the attendees with the basic knowledge of what Electronic Screen Syndrome (ESS) is, how it can be recognized, and what parents and teachers can do to address it.
There are not formal requirements. This course is especially relevant for parents and teachers of young children. A good command of the English language is required.
After attending this course attendees will have an understanding of concepts in the following areas:
- What is ESS?
- What are the characteristics of the symptom?
- Which children are especially at risk?
- The difference between passive and active screen time.
- How to handle it.
1. Instruction by an Expert International Facilitator.
2. Workshop Materials and Certificate of completion.